Introducing Sue Reeder – Spirit Portrait Artist


Being able to make a connection to the ‘Realm of Spirit’ is a unique gift.

Being able to share evidence that shows beyond doubt that
 ‘Life after life’ is a reality is truly remarkable.

Spirit Portrait Artist Sue Reeder has the ability to share with you portraits of those who have crossed over from this mortal world to the spirit realm. Using only charcoals and paper Sue recreates the images that are channelled to her by her guides and mentors with some remarkable results.


Sue Reeder talks about her work with what she does in the following quotes.


“I have to fully concentrate whilst drawing to translate the images and faces that I see inside my thoughts.”

“I get so much joy seeing my spirit portraits bring happiness and comfort to the people that contact me.”

“Being a Spirit Portrait Artist is not only my passion, it is my way of life.”


Over the last 12 years Sue has lost count of the number of people she has shared her work with, but it would be accurate to say she has helped many people during the most difficult times of their lives.

Her detailed portraits bring great comfort and healing.


If you would like a reading with Sue please contact her through her website. 



postal readings worldwide, also email readings.


My name is Sue Reeder
and I have developed the ability for psychic/spiritual art.

This is an ability to consciously cooperate with a guide in spirit existence.
My ability has been developing since 2007.

 I have worked with several spiritual clairvoyant mediums and between us we have demonstrated mental phenomena in collusion with physical phenomena producing remarkable results and evidence of earthly survival.

When I first started to work with spirit the portraits drawn were very basic indeed,

 but with the help and encouragement of two great mediums/teachers, who realised
I had the ability to work with spirit, the faces I draw have become a lot
clearer and more realistic.
Please view my Gallery to see for yourself.

click on the contact me page

Press Release ..........
by Sue ReederAMAZON
